Friday, February 22, 2008

details offered

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sing Andersen wood windows, Kohler fixtures, European-style cabinets, zoned and 90%+ efficient HVAC, GE Monogram appliances, granite and marble countertops, European tiles, authentic hand-scraped wood flooring, extensive interior wood work, Details offers the quality advantage like none other. Plus, when it comes to responsible environmental practices, Details delivers that too. Using a combination of SIP panels, spray foam insulation, tankless water heaters and Manabloc/pex water delivery systems, Details produces homes that provide energy efficiency and water savings significantly beyond required city codes.

The most efficient water
management technology available
A MANABLOCmanifold system works for the
homeowner. Unlike conventional systems which
simply deliver
water to
fixtures, the
distributes the
water supply
efficiently and
economically. It
also provides
the homeowner
betteroverall MANABLOC
control of the plumbing system and makes the
plumbingsystem easier to service.
MANABLOC'S Benefits Include:
Faster Hot Water Delivery
Because MANABLOC's distribution lines are
dedicated to individual fixtures, less water is
needed to "flush" the line of cool water before the
hot water is delivered. This approach saves time,
energy and reduces the amount of water wasted
waiting for hot water,
Less Potential for Leaks
The weakest link in any plumbing system is the
fittings or
"connections". Since
most conventional
plumbing systems
use rigid pipe like
copper, fittings are
commonly used to
create bends and
Because the MANABLOC system uses flexible rEX
tubing, it greatly minimizes the need for fittings.
MANABLOC rEX tubing, called Vanex@,
can be
curved around obstacles without fittings, eliminating
many potential trouble spots in the system. Because
the MANABLOC uses individual lines for every
fixture, the need for plumbing system branches
which require fittings is eliminated. The system also
minimizes behind-the-wall fittings which can be
difficult and costly to repair.
Easy to Service
The MANABLOCsystem features individually
labeled shut-off valves for each distribution line and
fixture. When a fixture
has a leak on the hot
water side, for
example, the
homeowner can turn
off the valve for just
that spot, enabling the . .
rest of the system to Individual
run smoothly while the repair takes place. When
homeowners want to remodel, they can simply shut-
off the.water supply to the fixtures they're removing
and the rest of the home remains fully functional.
Quiet Operation
The flexible Vanex rEX tubing used with the
MANA BLOC system operates quietly. In copper and
other rigid
systems, you
often hear noise
as the water
flows through
the pipes.
Flexible Vanex
rEX tubing

Balanced Water Delivery
The built-in reservoir in the MANABLOC control
unit allows you to use multiple fixtures simul-
taneously without noticeable pressure and
temperature changes. This means you can run
the shower, flush a toilet or turn on a sink at the
same time without experiencing dramatic tem-
perature or pressure changes in water delivery.
Water and Energy Efficient
Less time waiting for hot water means less
water wasted. It also means less energy loss.
An independent study conducted by the Davis
Energy Group shows that a manifold plumbing
system can reduce energy and water waste by
about half in an average home.
SERIES Plumbing System
"Parallel distributionsystemsare projectedto
save between 300 gallons per year for the
townhouse and 2600 gallons per year for the
detached home. Greater water savings are
projected for larger houses and distributed
fixtures than for smaller, compact houses with
fixtures clustered close to the water heater."
Manifold includes a
transferable warranty.
Many plumbing systems have no warranty at
all, leaving a homeowner vulnerable should
the system fail. The MANABLOC manifold
system is guaranteed for 10 years, with the
warranty covering the COMPLETE system
including Vanguard's tubing, fittings and the
control unit from manufacturing defect.
Complete Coverage
The MANABLOC warranty covers more than
system replacement. It also covers
reasonable replacement costs for damage to
personal property, including furnishings,
drywall and related items.
The warranty can be transferred to future
owners of the system for a period of 10 years
from the date of installation. The warranty
transferability can assist you in the sale of
your home should you choose to move


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