Wat-Er Friends For........
Click Image to enlargeAll this for a Sprinkle a DAY ???
Sometime at or about 9:30 AM, Saturday June 21 "The first day of Summer", appropriately, an assortment of funny looking people in all sizes and manner of human appointment arrived on Stormy Lane just inside the Town limits of MENTAL BEACH.
They brought with them a curious assortment of strange and colorful things. What, I wondered... did any of this have to do with a simple sprinkler system that just tinkles on the lawn a few times a week.? So began the Syrkus of events... One by one they came...
1 Big guy in a black truck with a little midget following him around while a large beige dog kept watch on his truck
1 round guy with a BIG motorized shovel followed by a pony tailed blond woman that followed the shovel wherever it went talking constantly .
1 Dizzy Blonde and her imaginary Dutch helper that she kept calling orders to but he never quite heard them.
Of course I was there to stupid - vise the entire session .
I was needed to keep inventory of all materials so nothing would be lost or stolen.
One by one the following assortment of items found their way out of the various vehicles and onto the soon to be lawn but for now just dirt!
They had with them ....
Things with wires coming out of them
1 thing with a blue handle to turn off a well
7 round black boxes with green tops that had holes in the middle and lids that fell off ( unless you tried to take them off then they stuck)
The 7 black boxes with green tops go over the top of the things with wires coming out of their heads.
62 U.S. Type flags without the red and white
16 strange things called rotors
1 Shit load of things called POP UPS?
1 Big ass Black pump
1 Pain in the ass timer clock
1 broken transformer plug for the pain in the ass clock
Lots and lots long skinny white pipe
Lots and Lots of fat white not so long pipe
Hundreds of curly plastic things, flat things and t-things made from white plastic that matched the long and not so long white pipe
1 roll of flexible something to fit on the pop ups
1 gray box with lots of wires red, green, blue, lt blue, yellow, brown, black and white
1 very very long kinky brown tube with lots holes in it.
1 white thingy wih multiple sides to get the dirt out of the well
1 white thingy with bumps and poky stuff to mover water in and out of the sprinkler heads and around the yard. This thingy also doubles as a tool to give a shower while the water is spurting out of the pop up
5 gray things and 2 big black things with 2 wires sticking out of the tops
2 big round silver cans of clear liquid stuff
Then.... first the Dizzy blonde walked around and stuck the U.S. flags without the red and white into the ground everywhere. Then.... the round guy with the big ass shovel came by with the pony tailed blonde and dug up lines of dirt and played connect the flags with the ditches.
Then.... the dizzy blonde put the white pipe and white plastic thingies together with the liquid in the silver can and the imaginary Dutch helper came along and put all the dirt back over all the stuff the blonde threw into the round guys holes???
The gray and black things got all their wires tangled together by the dizzy blond as the big guy with the black truck and the midget kept an eye on her progress.
The Dutch man disappeared and the round guy with the talking pony tailed blond took the big ass motorized shovel and drove away leaving me, the dizzy blond and the big guy with the midget to clean up the mess.
Then like magic suddenly everything sank into the ground and water started spurting from the little pop ups and the round black thingsstarted spitting water all over, all the while the pump sang a rumbling tune gurgling and swishing.
As SUN-SET on Stormy lane the big guy with the midget and the watch dog came by and gave me a really nice card thanking me for allowing them to perform on my property. The dizzy blond collapsed and drank a few beers.
The card Read:
The Syrkus has come to Town and because you are so sweet and helpful the following discount will apply
Regular priced Syrkus for the day is ------------$100,000.00
Clown, props and supervisors included
Discount for your extraordinary help----------- 98,000.00
Balance due $2,000.00
Every day now like magic the little gray box turns on my Syrkus in the wee hours of the night and all those little parts magically pop up and perform a beautiful rain dance on my emerald green lawn .
Everyone in Mental Beach Should have their own Syrkus
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