Answer to Flooring inquiry
Click Image to enlargeNadine,
Yes The Rosewood does darken to a beautiful red brown. We tested it inside and out in the Florida Sun.
Why did we choose this brand? The quality appears to be identical and the pricing is half or more of Br111 pricing.
The company was great to work with. They had this flooring made to order for us. We wanted the 5" boards.
Check out their website the link is on the left "Unique wood floors"
Please mention our site and be sure to ask for WINSTON.
Here is a picture of the test we did. It takes three to four months inside to fully darken but we did it in the heat of the Florida Summer Sun to simulate the process. This day as I remember was in the high 90"s. It has not darkened any furthur snce then and it has been left inside the house as we were building for the last 6 months
Hello, love your flooring. Does this rosewood change color? What size did you get? Why did you take that brand name versus BR111?