Thursday, August 03, 2006

More Fiber Please

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Do you know the difference between Residential Fiber Mesh and Commercial Fiber Mesh Concrete? YOU SHOULD

Well, it amounts to just $15.00 worth of fiber difference per truck load .
That's right just $15.00 more fiber in every truck load.

A truck load is between 9-10 cubic yards

A 5000 S.F. Concrete slab with footers 18" x 18" and a 4" slab amounts to 9 truck loads of concrete and an additional cost of $150.00.

This amounts to about the cost of 1 extra cubic yard of delivered concrete.

But, a contractor will charge you as much as $3000.00 additional.

What are the benefits?
STRENGTH Commercial Fiber Mesh Concrete is 75% stronger than residential concrete.

Additional Strength where it needed most at the CORNERS.
The corners are the first to shift , settle or crack, weakening the entire slab and sending those nasty snaking cracks up the side of concrete block walls.

So when contracting for your foundation insist on MORE FIBER.

PS. You can have it added to the concrete yourself by calling the concrete company and paying the difference to have it added to your pour!!!

*********************NOW YOU KNOW **************************

Fiber in concrete makes it hard and strong
Fiber in humans , well thats a different story.
Either way more fiber is a good thing!


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