Sunday, August 27, 2006

The best placed measures are still subject to contractor fraud

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I followed all the rules checked out all the details and was still mislead. Poor workmanship, and greed have made this phase of the project a nightmare.

When the contractor was questioned and ask to provide additional proof of workman comp insurance it started an avalanch of problems. The work began to get rushed and lies were told to keep the job running. Additional pressure was put on the contractor to provide additional documentationbut to no avail. The job had to be stopped because the liabilty for the workers who were uninsuerd fell to the owner. When it was stopped and inspected by other framers the following problems were pointed out. CHeck out the pictures below.

Now the powers to be tell you to check and not to accept anyone who is not insured, But what they don't tell you it that no one will back you up and take care of the illegial activities. They will come to the site and fine each person without proof of insurance $1500.00 per day. That money goes to the county and the home owner is left with the decision. Stop work and be safe or continue on hoping nothing will happen so you don't loose the money that you have already invested. Your only option is the sue in civil court and that takes months. Meanwhhile you home sits and your materials deteriorate.Each county entity passed the buck until it stops at the state and the state is impossible to contact. You can call the police but they can't do anything. One a contractor it outed they close ranks especially on women.

The contractors solution? Well they SUGGEST you continue with the uninsured shaddy workers until the job gets to the inspection and if it fails (which they already know it will)they say these uninsured shaddy workers will have to fix the problem. Where is the logic I can't see it??? Let someone continue with a bad job and when the county says it is a bad job and doesn't pass inspection then make these same workers do it again. !!!!! Something wrong with this picture?

They know the homeowner wants the project finished and they are counting on you to look the other way.

But this is YOUR money and YOUR home and you deserve to get the best job possible and you should settle for no less than a job done correctly and to your satisfaction. Never let a contractor try to intimidate you into allowing them to finish a job poorly.

Run them off your property as fast as you can.


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